_what it is

_someparts is a ‘rig for life’.

_a perpetually reusable kit of parts for future-minded small architectures.

_we offer pre-designed, partially customizable assemblies which:  
  • flat pack
    for easy storage + mobility.  
  • re-assemble for future iterations.
  • are modular and adapt to many spaces or uses.

_how it works

_someparts is standardized but offers options.

_customize your order through our website. this will send us an order with your options.

_work through the options beginning from left to right: 1+2+3+4

_parts marked with ** offer color options. 

_we will then contact you to make sure the choices are viable.

  • some of our designs work with widely available elements so we might send you outside links for sources that compliment your design.
  • we will send you detailed assembly instructions.
  • we will provide you with a series of future designs possible with your kit.

_as your circumstances change... so can your design.

_never throw away the kit, we are happy to take it back.

_lead times

_someparts relies on existing sourcing infrastructures.

_lead times will depend on varying stock availabilities.

_after you place your order, we will let you know when you can expect to receive it.


email: somepartskit@gmail.com
someparts: a rig for life / someparts: a rig for life / someparts: a rig for life / someparts: a rig for life / someparts: a rig for life / someparts: a rig for life / someparts: a rig for life / someparts: a rig for life / someparts: a rig for life / someparts: a rig for life / someparts: a rig for life / someparts: a rig for life /